Comprehensive Book List

This is my list of books for my comps exam in May. Those titles that are in green are those that I've already read but need to revisit before the exam. Those that are linked are read and have notes compiled.

Seventeenth Century Literature Major List

1.     William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
a.      Hamlet(1601) Cross-listed with Early Modern list
b.     Twelfth Night (1601)
c.      Othello (1604)
d.     King Lear (1606)
e.      Antony and Cleopatra (1606)
f.      The Winter’s Tale (1609)
g.     The Tempest (1611) Cross-listed with Ecocriticism list
2.     Ben Jonson (1572 – 1637)
a.      Every Man Out of his Humour (1599)
b.     Volpone (1606)
c.      The Masque of Blackness (1605)
d.     The Masque of Beauty (1608)
e.      Epicene (1609)
f.      The Alchemist (1610)
g.     The Staple of News (1625)
h.     Bartholomew Fair (1614)
3.     Thomas Dekker (1572-1632)
a.      The Roaring Girl with Middleton (1607?)
b.     The Witch of Edmonton with Ford and Rowley (1621)
4.     John Fletcher (1579 – 1625)
a.      The Faithful Shepherdess (1606)
b.     The Maid’s Tragedy with Beaumont (1611?) Cross-listed with Early Modern list
c.      A King and No King with Beaumont (1611?) Cross-listed with Early Modern list

1.     Thomas Middleton (1580 – 1627)
a.      A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (1613)
b.     The Changeling with Rowley(1622)
2.     John Webster (1580-1625)
a.     The Duchess of Malfi (1614)
7.     Francis Beaumont (1584 – 1616)
a.      The Knight of the Burning Pestle (1607)
8.     John Ford (1585 – 1639)
a.      ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore (1629)
9.     Richard Brome (1590 – 1652)
a.      Antipodes (1638)
10.  James Shirley (1596 – 1666)
a.      Hyde Park (1632)
11.  John Dryden (1631 – 1700)
a.      Enchanted Island with Davenant (1667)
b.     All for Love (1677)
12.  Aphra Behn (1640-1689)
a.      The Rover (1677)
13.  William Wycherley (1641 – 1716)
a.      The Country Wife (1675)
1.     William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
a.      Sonnet 15 “When I consider everything that grows”
b.     Sonnet 18 “Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?”
c.      Sonnet 25 “Le those who are in favour with their stars”
d.     Sonnet 60 “Like as waves make towards the pebbl’d shore”
e.      Sonnet 97 “How like a winter hath my absence been”
f.      Sonnet 146 “Poor soul, the centre of my sinful Earth”
2.     Ben Jonson (1572 – 1637)
a.      Epigrams (1612): “To Fine lady Would-Be,” “On Something that Walks Somewhere,” “Inviting a Friend to Supper,” “On my First Son,” “On my First Daughter,” “To William, Earl of Pembroke,” and “To Mary Lady Wroth”
b.     The Forest (1616): “To Penshurst” and “Epode”
c.      Underwoods (1640): An Ode. To Himself,” “A Fit of Rhyme Against Rhyme,” “An Epistle Answering to One that Asked to be Sealed of the Tribe of Ben,” To the Immortal Memory and Friendship of that noble pair, Sir Lucious Cary and H. Morison,” “Execration upon Vulcan,” and “The Picture of the Body”
d.      Misc. (1621): “Ode. To Himself” (Come, leave the loathed stage)
3.     John Donne (1573 – 1631)

e.      The Flea
f.      A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy’s Day, Being the Shortest Day
g.     The Bait
h.     The Apparition
i.       A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
j.       The Ecstasy
k.     Elegy 8: To His Mistress Going to Bed
l.       Holy Sonnets
4.     Mary Wroth (1587 -1651/53)
a.      Pamphilia to Amphilanthus: Sonnet 4 “Forbeare dark night, my joyes now budd againe,” Sonnet 14 “Am I thus conquered,” Sonnet 22 “Like to the Indians scorched with the Sun,” and Song “The Springtime of my first Loving”
5.     Robert Herrick (1591 – 1674)
a.      Hesperides (1640): “Discontents in Devon,” “Delight in Disorder,” Corinna’s Going a maying,” “To the Virgins, To make much of time,” “The Hock-Cart, or the Harvest Home,” “His Return to London,” “Upon Prue, His Maid,” Upon Ben Jonson,” “The Pillar of Fame”
b.     Noble Numbers (1648): “Rex Tragicus”
6.     George Herbert (1593 – 1633)
a.      “Jordan [1]” (1648)
b.     “Jordan [2]”
c.      “The Bag”
d.     “The Collar”
e.      “Love [3]”
f.      “Easter Wings”
g.     “Church Monuments”
7.     Thomas Carew (1595 - 1640)
a.      “An Elegy upon the Death of Dr. Donne, Dean of Paul’s” (1642)
b.     “A Rapture”
8.     Richard Lovelace (1618 – 1657)
a.      The Grasshopper
b.     “To Lucasta, Going to the Wars”
c.      “To Althea, from Prison”
9.     Katherine Philips (1632 – 1664)
a.      From Poems (1667): “An Answer to Another Persuading a Lady to Marriage,” “Epitaph,” “Friendship’s Mystery, To my Dearest Lucasia,” and “To Mrs. M.A. Upon my Absence”
1.  Margaret Cavendish (1632 – 1664)
a.      “World in an Earring”
1.  John Milton (1608 – 1674)
a.      Paradise Lost (1667) Cross-listed with Ecocriticism
b.     Paradise Regained (1671) Cross-listed with Ecocriticism
c.      “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity”
d.     Sonnet 7 (“How Soon Hath Time…”
e.      Sonnet 16 (“When I consider”)
f.      Sonnet 19 (“Methought I saw…”)
g.     “L’Allegro”
h.     “Il Penseroso”
i.       “On Shakespeare”
j.       Lycidas
k.     Comus
l.       “Arcades”
m.   Samson Agonistes

1.  Sir John Suckling (1609 – 1643)
a.      “Out upon it! I have loved”
b.     “A Ballad upon a Wedding”
1.  John Denham (1614/15 – 1669)
a.      “Cooper’s Hill” (1642)
1.  Andrew Marvell (1621 – 1678)
a.      “Bermudas”
b.     “The Nymph Complaining for the Death of her Fawn”
c.      “Damon the Mower”
d.     “The Mower’s Song”
e.      “The Mower against Gardens”
f.      “The Mower to the Glo-Worms”
g.     “To His Coy Mistress”
h.     Upon Appleton House
i.       “Horation Ode Upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland”
1.  Henry Vaughn (1621 – 1695)
a.      “Regeneration”
b.     “The Retreat”
c.      “The World”
d.     “Childhood”
1.  John Dryden (1631 – 1700)
a.      Absalom and Achitophel
b.     “Song for St. Cecilia’s Day”
1.  John Wilmot (1647 – 1680)
a.       “The Imperfect Enjoyment”
b.     “To his Mistress”
c.      “Upon Nothing”
1.     Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
a.      Advancement of Learning (1605)
b.     New Atlantis (1627) Cross-listed with Ecocriticism
c.      Essays
d.     Novum Organum (1620) Cross-listed with Ecocriticism

2.     Sir Thomas Overbury (1581 – 1613)
a.      Characters (1614): “A Roaring Boy,” “A Distaster of the Time,” “A Divellish Usurer,” “An Excellent Actor,” and “A Purveiour of Tobacco”
3.     Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679)
a.      Leviathan Books 1 and 2 (1651)
4.     Sir Robert Filmer (1590 – 1653)
a.      Patriarcha (1680): Chapter 1
5.     John Earle (1600? – 1665)
a.      Microcosmography (1633): “A Young Raw Preacher,” “A Player,” “A Tobacco Seller,” “A Skeptick in Religion,” and “A Prison”
6.     Sir Thomas Brown (1605 – 1682)
a.      Hydriotaphia: Chapter 1 and 4 (1658) Cross-listed with Early Modern
7.     Margaret Cavendish (1632 – 1664)
a.      Blazing World (1666) Cross-listed with Ecocriticism
b.     The Contract (1667)
8.     John Dryden (1631 – 1700)
a.      Essay of Dramatic Poesy (1666)
b.     Of Heroic Plays (1670)
9.     Thomas Sprat (1635 – 1713)
a.      History of the Royal Society of London (1667)
1.  Henry Neville
a.      The Isle of the Pines (1668)
1.  Samuel Pepys (1633 – 1703)
a.      Selections from The Diary
1.     Jonas A Barish – The Antitheatrical Prejudice

Drama, religion, and politics in the early modern period Secondary List

1.     Desiderius Erasmus (1466 – 1536)
a.      Enchiridion
b.     Paraclesis
2.     Machiavelli (1469 – 1527)
a.      The Prince (1532)
3.     Sir Thomas More (1478 – 1532)
a.      Utopia (1516)
b.     The History of King Richard the Third (1513-1518)
4.     Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)
a.      The Freedom of a Christian
5.     William Tyndale (1494 – 1536)
a.      Obedience of a Christian Man
6.     John Calvin (1509 – 1564)
a.      Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)
7.     John Foxe (1516 – 1587)
a.      Actes and Monuments (1563)
8.     Edmund Spenser (1522 – 1599)
a.      Faerie Queene Book 1 (1590)
9.     Christopher Marlowe (1564 – 1593)
a.      Dr. Faustus (1588)
b.     The Jew of Malta (1589-90)
1. James VI (I) (1566 – 1625)
a.      Basilikon Doron (1599)
1.  Ben Jonson (1572 – 1637)
a.      Sejanus (1605)
1.  John Donne (1573 – 1631)
a.      Biathanatos (1608)
b.     Pseudo-Martyr (1610)
c.      Ignatius His Conclave (1611)
d.     Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (1624)
e.      Meditation XVII
f.      Sermon XXVII (for whom the bell tolls)
g.     Death’s Duell, or, a Consolation to the Soule
1.  Philip Massinger (1583 – 1640)
a.      The Renegado (1630)
1.  Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679)
a.      Leviathan (1651)
1.  John Winthrop (1588 – 1649)
a.      From “A Modell of Christian Charity”
1.  King Charles I (1600 – 1649)
a.      Eikon Basilike (1649)
1.  Beaumont and Fletcher
a.      A King and No King (1610) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century list
b.     The Maid’s Tragedy (1619) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century list
1.  Sir Thomas Browne (1605 – 1682)
a.      Religio Medici Part 1 (1643)
b.     Hydriotaphia, Urn-Burial (1658)
1.  Robert Daborne
a.      A Christian Turn’d Turk (1612)
2.  John Milton (1608 – 1674)
a.      Areopagitica
b.     Samson Agonistes Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century list
c.      Eikonoklastes
e.      Paradise Lost Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century list
f.      Paradise Regained Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century list
2.  Lucy Hutchinson (1620 – 1675?)
a.      On the Principles of Christian Religion
b.     On Theology
2.  Elizabeth Cary (1585 – 1639)
a.      The Tragedy of Mariom, the Fair Queen of Jewry (1613)
2.  John Locke (1632 – 1704)
a.      A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689)
b.     Two Treatises of Government (1689)
c.      The Reasonableness of Christianity, as Delivered in the Scriptures (1695)
22.  Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
a.      Henry IV part 1
b.     Richard III
c.      Measure for Measure
d.     Merchant of Venice
e.      Sir Thomas More with Munday, Dekker, et al.
f.      Macbeth (1606)
g.     Coriolanus (1608)
h.     Henry VIII (1612)
i.       Hamlet (1600)
j.       The Taming of the Shrew (1590)
1.     Paula Backsheider – Spectacular Politics: Theatrical Power and Mass Culture in Early Modern England (Chapter 1 “Charles II’s London as National Theater”)
2.     Debora Shuger – Political Theologies in Shakespeare’s England
3.     Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought ed. David Armitage, Conal Condren, and Andrew Fitzmaurice
4.     Religion and Drama in Early Modern England: The Performance of Religion on the Early Modern Stage ed. Jane Hwang Degenhardt and Elizabeth Williamson

Early American literature and ecocriticism Secondary
1.     Native American Culture/Myth/Legend:
a.      “The Origin Myth of Acoma”
b.     Selections from Popol Vuh
2.     Sir Walter Raleigh (1554 – 1618)
a.      The Discovery of Guiana (1596)
3.     Thomas Harriot (1560 – 1621)
a.      Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588)
4.     Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
a.      New Atlantis (1627) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century List
b.     Novum Organum (1620) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century List
5.     William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
a.      The Tempest (1610) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century List
6.     King James VI & I (1566 – 1625)
a.      Counterblaste to Tobacco (1604)
b.     His Majesty’s Gracious Letter to the Earl of Southampton…Commanding the Present Setting up of Silkworks and Planting of Vines in Virginia (1622)
7.     William Strachey (1572 – 1621)
a.      True Repertory of the Wrack (1625)
8.     Samuel Purchas (1577? – 1626)
a.      Purchas His Pilgrimage: or Microcosmus (1613)
9.     Thomas Morton (1579? – 1647?)
a.      New English Canaan (1637)
1.  John Smith (1580 – 1631)
a.      General History of Virginia (1624)
1.  Richard Ligon (1585? – 1662)
a.      True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados (1657)
1.  William Bradford (1590 – 1657)
a.      History of Plymouth Plantation (1630)
1.  Edward Winslow (1595-1655)
a.      Good News from New England (1622)
1.  Edward Johnson (1598 – 1672)
a.      Wonder-Working Providence (1654)
1.  John Milton (1608 – 1674)
a.      Paradise Lost (1667) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century List
b.     Paradise Regained (1671) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century List
1.  Anne Bradstreet (1612 – 1672)
a.      The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America (1650)
1.  John Dryden (1631 – 1700)
a.      The Indian Queen (1664)
b.     The Indian Emperor (1665)
1.  Margaret Cavendish (1632 – 1664)
a.      Blazing World (1666) Cross-listed with Seventeenth-Century List
1.  Mary Rowlandson (1635 – 1678?)
a.      The Sovereignty and Goodness of God  (1682)
2.  Increase Mather (1639 – 1723)
a.      Kometographia: Or a discourse concerning comets (1683)
b.     A Discourse concerning Earthquakes (1706)
2.  Aphra Behn (1640 – 1689)
a.      Oroonoko (1688)
b.     The Widow Ranter (1689)
2.  Maria Sibylla Merian (1647 – 1717)
a.      Metamorphosis insectorum Suirnamensium (1705)
2.  Sir Hans Sloane (1660 - 1753)
a.      Voyage to Jamaica (selections) (1725)
2.  Cotton Mather (1663 – 1728)
a.      The Wonders of the Invisible World (1693)
b.     The Short History of New England (1694)
c.      Magnalia Christi Americana (1702) (selections)
d.     The hatchets, to hew down the tree of sin, which bears the fruit of death. Or, The laws, by which the magistrates are to punish offences, among the Indians, as well as among the English (1705)
2.  William Byrd II (1674 – 1744)
a.      History of the Dividing Line Between Virginia and North Carolina (1728)
2.  Mark Catesby (1682 – 1749)
a.      Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands (1747)
2.  John Gay (1685 – 1732)
a.      Polly (1729)
2.  Jonathan Edwards (1703 – 1758)
a.      The Beauty of the World (1725)
b.     Personal Narrative (1739)
2.  George Whitefield (1714 – 1770)
a.      How to Hear Sermons (1740)
b.     A Journal of a Voyage from Gibraltar to Georgia (1740) selections
c.      Sermon: “On Regeneration”
d.     Sermon: “Christians, Temples of the Living God”
3.  James Grainger (1721 – 1766)
a.      The Sugar-Cane (1764)
3.  Samson Occom (1723 – 1792)
a.      Herbs and Roots (1750s)
3.  Mercy Otis Warren (1728 – 1814)
a.      The Group (1775)
3.  Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811)
a.      Adventures in the Wilderness (1756-1760)
3.  J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur (1735 – 1813)
a.      Letters from an American Farmer (1782)
3.  William Bartram (1739 – 1823)
a.      The Travels of William Bartram (1791)
3.  Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826)
a.      Notes on the State of Virginia (1781)
3.  Philip Freneau (1752 – 1832)
a.      The House of Night (1779)
b.     On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western Country (1785)
c.      The Wild Honey Suckle (1786)
d.     The Indian Burying Ground (1795)
3.  John Marrant (1755 – 1791)
a.      The Lord’s Wonderful Dealings with John Marrant (1785)
3.  Charles Brockden Brown (1771 – 1810)
a.      Edgar Huntly (1799)
4.  Phillis Wheatley (1753 – 1784)
a.      On Being Brought from Africa to America (1773)
b.     To Maecenas (1773)
c.      On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, 1770 (1770)
d.     Thoughts on the Works of Providence (1773)
e.      To a Lady on her Remarkable Preservation in a Hurricane in North-Carolina (1773)
f.      On Imagination (1773)
g.     A Hymn to Morning (1773)
h.     To a Lady on the Death of her Husband (1773)
i.       A Funeral Poem on the Death of C.E. (1773)
j.       To a Lady on Coming to America with her Son, for the Recovery of her Health (1773)
4.  Alexander von Humboldt (1769 – 1859)
a.      Personal Narrative of a Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions (1799 – 1804)
4.  Leonora Sansay (1773 – 1821)
a.      The Secret History, or, the Horrors of Santo Domingo (1808)
4.  James Fenimore Cooper (1789 – 1851)
a.      The Pioneers (1823)


1.     Joseph Roach Circum-Atlantic Performance: Cities of the Dead
2.     Elizabeth Maddock Dillon New World Drama
3.     Monique Allewaert – Ariel’s Ecology
4.     Laura Dassow Walls Passage to Cosmos (early chapters on Humboldt)
5.     Cristobal Silva Miraculous Plagues: An Epidemiology of New England Narrative
6.     Laurence Buell The Environmental Imagination
7.     Michael Ziser Environmental Practice and Early American Literature
8.     Chris Iannini Fatal Revolutions
9.     Susan Scott Parris – American Curiosity
1.  Londa Schiebinger Plants and Empire
1.  Timothy Sweet – American Georgics: Economy and Environment in American Literature 1580 – 1864 (First three chapters)

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