John Earle – Microcosmography

“A Young Raw Preacher”
He’s only fit to be a preacher because he’s bold and keeps a table-book, but this doesn’t make him fit to lead people in prayer. He writes more than he reads, and his prayers become conceited. I take this as he doesn’t even read the bible maybe? The sermons are long, too long, and only serve to exercise his lungs. He takes against the pope (so obviously pointing to the catholic/protestant divide.) You’ll recognize him by his clothes and he’ll likely marry a chambermaid (or perhaps just sleep with her?)

“A Player”
Life is all action and he has to be careful because he is always watched. He is contradictorily liked and hated for his profession. Seldom in his own face or clothes. Even on the street he “plays the part” of the gentleman. Speaks about the way theaters cannot be open during Lent, and that parliament has produced laws that discredit theaters and players.

“A tobacco-seller”
Where men rendezvous spitting and dialogue with noses and communicate in smoke. Spain commended before England. None better acquainted with humours.

“A Skeptick in Religion”
The contrariness of religions scares him away and none persuades him. He is part Christian except for the atheist part and vice versa. He finds reason in all opinions but truth in none. He uses the “lands religion” because it is next to him? He doesn’t like the connection between the commonwealth and divinity. “He cannot think so many wise men should be in error, nor so many honest men out of the way, and his wonder is double when he sees these oppose one another.” He hates authority as the tyrant of reason, his whole life is a question.

“A Prison”
“Is the grave of the living.” Lice, drink, and tobacco abound. Its indecorous to not be in thread-bare clothes. A spectacle of pity more than executions. If they’re in prison because of debt are more bitter about their lawyers. “He that deceives time best, best spends it.”